Sucupira preta (Homé Hout, 2024)
Sucupira Preta (Homé Hout, 2024)
Common Name(s): Sucupira Preta, Black Sucupira
Scientific Name: Bowdichia spp.
Distribution: South America
Tree Size: 30-46 m tall, 1-1.2 m trunk diameter
Average Dried Weight: 920 kg/m3 (MC 12%)
Shrinkage: Radial: 5.3%, Tangential: 8.1%, Volumetric: 14.2%, T/R Ratio: 1.5
Color/Appearance: Heartwood ranges from  medium brown to darker reddish brown. The paler sapwood is usually well demarcated from the heartwood.
Grain/Texture: Grain is irregular, usually wavy and/or interlocked. Medium to coarse texture and low natural luster.
Rot Resistance: Rated as very durable, with good insect resistance.
Workability: Generally difficult to work due to its high density and irregular grain. Good nail and screw holding, though pre-boring is necessary.
Odor: No characteristic odor.
Sustainability: This wood species is not listed in the CITES Appendices, and is reported by the IUCN as being a species of least concern.
Common Uses: Flooring, furniture, turned objects, and veneer, as well as heavy exterior construction applications not requiring much machining, such as railroad ties, bridges, and beams.
Comments: This wood is sometimes sold by flooring dealers as Tiete or Brazilian chestnut, a misleading name as the wood isn’t related to true chestnuts  in the Castanea genus (which are actually quite soft and generally unsuitable for flooring).
Another very closely related wood that sometimes also bears the name sucupira is tatabu (Diplotropis purpurea). Despite being from two different genera, the two woods are very similar and are sometimes represented interchangeably.
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Square edged Sucupira Preta - KD

27 x  80 mm
27 x 155 mm
27 x 205 mm
Lengths: 185 up to and including 400 cm